Friday, March 26, 2010

Week 9: Instant Messaging

I use instant messaging for a variety of reasons and through several accounts. I use Meebo to help manage them and we use Meebo in Reference for our virtual reference desk with the widget on several of the library's web pages. I also use instant messaging that is built into Blackboard to talk with students and colleagues and have been recently using the IM in Facebook to reconnect with old friends. It is nice to be able to talk to people without the expense of calling. Also, you can talk with multiple people at one time.

Week 8: Cloud Computing

We started working in the Cloud at our library a couple of years ago, but I didn't know that Cloud Computing was the name for it. As a member of the Kansas Notable Books Committee, we share our spreadsheet through Google Docs so that everyone has access to it and can edit it. My department at the library has moved out staff schedule (especially with student hours) to Google Calendar so that it is accessible all of the time anywhere. Cloud computing has made collaboration a whole lot easier.

Week 7: Microblogging

I have had a Twitter account for some time but have not really taken the time to spend much time with it. It is pretty easy to find people to follow. I mostly follow colleagues and find some of their posts interesting. Often it leads me to other information to expand my knowledge. One person is Aaron Barnhart in KC with the KC Star. He provides links to lots of current information. Sharing information with others and gaining information are some of the major uses that I see. I may have to find time to use it more and the advice to get what I can and let the rest go is really good.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Week 6 Tagging and Social Bookmarking

I have been using Delicious for a while, but this lesson gave me some more new skills. When I signed up for Delicious, I learned quickly how to input my bookmarks to it from my computer. No longer am I tied to my computer for my favorite web sites. I am also sharing sites with colleagues through Delicious. I had not shared sites before when bookmarking and so I learned how to do that. In the library we can have a library account that we can save sites that are good for reference and not just save them on the reference computer. They are available for all of us to use.

Week 5 RSS Feeds

I chose to look at Google Reader because I am doing more stuff on Google and I thought it would be good to keep things in one place. I had heard a lot about RSS feeds but really not done much with them. To get started I subscribed to 23 Things Kansas, (everything Nebraska), a couple of Girl Scout sites, and the Emporia Gazette. I will have to watch for places where I can subscribe to more in the future.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Catching Up

So I am going to use today and this weekend to catch up.

Photos to Share

I have uploaded photos to Flickr on our library remodel and the storytime mural.

Storytime mural:

Remodeling pictures:

Monday, February 8, 2010

Storytime mural 1

Storytime mural 1
Originally uploaded by tsummey
This is Captain Hook and the mermaids from our Storytime mural. Krista Heller, an art student, is the artist. I will be adding more pictures to Flickr to show the progress of the mural as it develops. Because it is the Mary White Storytime Room, we went with a fairy tale theme on the pictures.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Week 3: Online Meetings

I watched Libraries to Lifebraries with presenter Helene Blowers, Director of Digital Strategy, Columbus Metropolitan Library, Ohio. In it she discussed steps that libraries can take to remain relevant in the lives of people.

I feel that with the tight economy and even with tight schedules of librarians and other library staff that online meetings provide a way for professional development and meetings between individuals without the travel costs and time. The PhD program in which I am participating uses online meetings for our classes and for meetings outside of class. We have students in the cohort literally from coast to coast and the use of online meetings allow students to participate fully in discussions, presentations, etc...

Friday, January 22, 2010

Week 2: Social Networking

Social Networking sites and the concept itself are things that intrigue me. I have had a profile on Facebook for some time and love it. The things that I enjoy are some of the games (although I spend way too much time on them) and connecting with people. I have lived in several cities and states throughout my life and Facebook has allowed me to connect with friends that I left behind when I moved. Over Christmas I was able to spend time with a friend that I had not seen in over 20 years. It was fun. I am in contact with another college friend that started her PhD work the same time that I did and so we have been able to provide each other support. I also use the site to keep up with my teenager and tween and their friends. I think that I will continue to use Facebook to connect with people and to also relax / be entertained.

Our library has a Facebook page and we use it to let students and faculty know what is happening in the library. Our students are wired and we need to be a part of it.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Week 1: Blogging

My name is Terri Summey. I am the Head of Access and Children's Services at Emporia State University Libraries and Archives. I use a lot of this technology and wanted to become more familiar with what is out there. I also love to learn new things and hope to encounter things that I haven't had time to experience. I have been using blogs for a while with the courses that I teach at ESU. I would like to have the time to use them more. I have been at ESU for 22 years and I love my job. In my spare time I have a husband, and 2 kids, a daughter who is 16 and a son who is 12. I like to read (what librarian doesn't), do and watch sports, do crafts, and I am a Girl Scout leader. Although I live in Kansas, I am a Nebraskan at heart and root for the Big Red! Last year I began my journey to acquire my PhD in Library and Information Science. It may be a long road! :)